Warehoused - The Feature Length Documentary Film | Warehoused

Movie Review: Warehoused on Movie Fail

July, 31st 2017 Press release
Source: moviefail.com | Written By: Nathan Frontiero

For reasons that boil down to my own naïveté and exposure to imperialist propaganda (better known as the American education system), I grew up assuming that entities like the United Nations and its member countries were infallibly dedicat[...]

Warehoused Doco “Unfathomable Plight of Humankind” Review

July, 10th 2017 Press release
Source: nzentertainmentpodcast.com | Written By: Glenn Blomfield

1991 saw fleeing Refugees from the Somalia government collapse. Dabaads official count says there is 350, 000 Refugees, but in actuality the unofficial count climbs to 600,000 Refugees. UN Nations has an insurmountable challenge on there hands, as[...]

Warehoused The Movie Review

June, 24th 2017 Article
Source: cinemaddicts.co.nz | Written By: David Bell

We just showed the movie WAREHOUSED to a local church group. It drew us into its story, which was heartwarming yet disturbing. Life Is My Movie Entertainment is to be congratulated on a dispassionate analysis of what it is really like to live as a[...]

Movie Review: Warehoused

June, 20th 2017 Article
Source: spling.co.za

An estimated 12 million people are living in refugee camps with only 0.1% being re-integrated into normal society. Directors, Asher Emmanuel and Vincent Vittorio, seek to address this problem through Warehoused: The Forgotten Refugees of Dadaab, an e[...]